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Gwich'in Renewable Resource Board (GRRB) - is the main instrument of wildlife and forestry management in the Gwich'in Settlement Area (Northwest Terriories, Canada). The mission of the GRRB is to conserve and manage renewable resources within the Gwich'in Settlement Area in a sustainable manner to meet the needs of the public today and in the future.
Gwich'in Tribal Council (GTC) - Established in 1992, the Gwich’in Tribal Council (GTC) is an Indigenous organization that represents Gwich’in Participants in the Mackenzie-Delta of the Northwest Territories and across Canada. The objectives of the GTC include protecting and preserving the rights, interests and benefits of the Gwich’in under the Constitution Act, Treaty 11 and the Gwich’in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement (GCLCA).
Gwich'in Department of Culture and Heritage (DCH) - Was once known as the Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute (GSCI). As the cultural arm of the GTC, the DCH is mandated to document, preserve, and promote the practice of Gwich'in culture, language, traditional knowledge, and values.
Gwich'in Land & Water Board (GLWB) - to provide for conservation, development and use of the land and water resources in the Gwich'in Settlement Area in a manner that will provide the optimum benefit for present and future residents of the Settlement Area, the Mackenzie Valley and for all Canadians.
Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board (MVEIRB) - is responsible for conducting environmental assessments of developments which are referred to it. The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) no longer applies in the Mackenzie Valley, except in very specific situations.
Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (1998, c. 25) - An Act to provide for an integrated system of land and water management in the Mackenzie Valley, to establish certain boards for that purpose and to make consequential amendments to other Acts.
Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (MVLWB) - Has three main functions: Processing transboundary land use and water use applications in the Mackenzie Valley, issuing land use permits and water licenses outside settled land claim areas in the Mackenzie Valley, and issuing directions on general policy matters or on matters concerning the use of land or water or the deposit of waste, that require consistent application throughout the Mackenzie Valley.
The Gwich'in Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement - The comprehensive claims process is aimed at achieving negotiated settlements between government and Aboriginal peoples in Canada which clarify rights regarding land and resources.
Yukon Land Use Planning Council - A resource for regional land use planning in the Yukon. Responsible for coordinating planning activities in the Gwich'in Primary and Secondary Use Areas.
Sahtu Land Use Planning Board (SLUPB) - Is tasked with developing and implementing a land use plan for the Sahtu Region of Canada's Northwest Territories.
Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada - One of the three signatories to the Land Use Plan.
Government of the Northwest Territories - One of the three signatories to the Land Use Plan.
Town of Inuvik

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